Cast: Aman Munshi, Sayoni Ghosh, Sudip Mukjerjee & Others.
Director: Soumyadipta Mondal
Movie Synopsis:- Subhonkor Chowdhury an ex-footballer player, lives a modest life with his football crazy children Sibu (16) & Jhum(20). Sibu dreams of becoming a famous footballer & Jhum wants to see her brother’s dream come true. She devotes all her time to take care of all the needs of her talented brother. From taking him to practice sessions to watching live matches in stadiums, Jhum is her brother’s biggest support.
Subhonkor Chowdhury(52) leads the life of a small time factory worker in the outskirts of Kolkata. He is always eager to provide his children good educational support and is very particular about their progress in studies. He disapproves of his children’s over indulgence in Football. Once a popular club footballer himself, his life was shattered after losing an ill-fated final match against arch rival Calcutta United 16 years ago. He was the victim of a conspiracy which ended up tarnishing his reputation. The final blow came when he lost his beloved wife after the birth of his son. Humiliated and disgusted he took a vow never to allow football back in his life.
Sibu and Jhum have understood that to keep their football ambitions alive they need to plan things carefully without drawing any unwanted attention from their father. From early morning practice to managing the rest of the day, Jhum meticulously plans everything for her brother. Sibu’s talent flourishes when he gets spotted by Haripada Ganguly, member of a Kolkata football club BSS, the same club for which Subhonkor used to play for. Still basking in its glorious past, BSS is now just a shadow of its heydays, hanging around in the lower division leagues grappling with financial issues under the clouts of bigger clubs.
After many years of struggle finally everyone sees a ray of hope of BSS becoming league champion (Calcutta Silver League) with Sibu simultaneously blossoming into a super talented footballer. Dreams and hopes of many merge into a singular grand event- The decisive league match between arch-rivals BSS & Calcutta United. Will there be redemption of the past pain and agony? Or, will the murky history repeat itself?